
To support transnational and transracial adoptees as they explore their identity, birthland, and adoption stories. 

We do this through providing a supportive community, welcoming adoptees, their loved ones, and community members to learn about adoption and adoptees’ respective birth countries.

Vision & Purpose

To be the bridge assisting adoptees make meaningful connections to the adoption community.

We will do this through the following actions:

  • To support adoptees and adoptive families research adoptees’ heritage, identity, and adoption stories (Post Adoption Services)

  • To foster a supportive community amongst adoptees, their family, friends, and community (Discussion Groups and Counseling/Therapy Services).

  • To educate the adoption community and public regarding adoption-related topics and provide opportunities to create connections with adoptees’ birth cultures.


  • Commitment: AdopteeBridge is committed to supporting adoptees in their search for answers about their birth heritage & culture, birthland, and adoption story.

  • Respect: AdopteeBridge treats everyone—adoptees, birth family, foster family, adoptive family, and community members, with the utmost dignity and respect. We honor the sacred and personal stories of each client by adhering to the strictest confidentiality.

  • Support: AdopteeBridge strives to surround transracial adoptees in a caring, inclusive environment and provide them with adoption-competent resources.

  • Compassion: AdopteeBridge's services are rooted in compassion. Services based in compassion make a difference in the lives of our clients.

  • Transparency: AdopteeBridge shares with clients throughout the process of delivering services via honest, clear, straightforward, and timely communication.